Apr 19, 2011




In The Rubber Coils

PreviewThis is another picture that I drew for the Punch magazine to show King Leopold II of Belgium as a snake entangling a congolese rubber collector. ("wikipedia").

The Three F's

PreviewThe cartoon was made by me of course and was made to show Mr. Punch (the Punch magazine mascot) trying to restore peace between W G Grace and the Professionnals Abel and Trott by offering them a loving cup (chrisbeetles).

A Tall Order

PreviewThis was made for the Punch magazine. What it says at the bottom is German eagle (to bird of Peace) and "Teach Me How To Coo!" I wanted to show the way Germany had dictated over so many countries had so much power that they would just topple over the idea of peacemaking (wordpress).

The Pilgrim's Rest

PreviewThis cartoon is from Punch magazine showing a dismayed Paul Kruger, a South African politician, holding a newspaper reporting the annexation of the Transvaal by Lord Roberts. (imagestate).

Man Is But A Worm

This is one of the pictures that I had made for Punch magazine ("wikimedia")

Cecil Rhodes

Artwork by me that was created for showing imperilism in Africa (not really during my tim of course). I also made the picture for Punch magazine (uk.ask)

The Model "British Matron"

In this drawing I wanted to show how John Calcott Horsley thought that his female students would be corrupted if they had to make life art from other naked women so in the painting I wanted to make him as the corseted Matron being disgusted by the Medici Venus (zyntara).

The Puzzled Kangaroo

This is actually one of my rare art pieces that I made. It’s a wood engraving of a puzzled kangaroo that I hand colored myself that I had made for the Pictorial Collection (nla.gov.au).

The Tsar of All Russians

PreviewThis picture was made on February 1 1905 to show the Bloody Sunday incident where thousands of people were killed from troops striking and firing upon them outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg (imagestate).