Apr 19, 2011



  1. I think your a wonderful artist! My favorite one of your drawing is the one about the imperialsm in Africa. There so many details just great.

  2. Why thank you! That's one of my personal favorites, too.

  3. Your work is really great! I think that it would be really interesting if we got together and did a collaboration! I don't do a lot of that, although i really think it could turn out great! Keep up your detailed artwork up! Its really cool.

  4. I beckoned to you before on how your unique style drenches the pages in wonderful design! I also believe your work to be amusing (as a cartoon should) and still prove a point. I dream highly of your "Imperialism in Africa" decor. Eye-popping is the man that acts a marionette, stretching across a great chunk of land! The message remains strong about how we are taking control of such a continent based entirely on materialistic need. Well done! I also enjoyed the one that centers around the girls at the art school? I believe I commented on that one. Just lovely! I believed every word when you said that you were different. But it is difference that is bewildering and interesting. It makes you stand out from the rest. Such diversity should be celebrated when such art is created.

  5. Why thank you! Maybe one day we'll actually collaborate and I have seen your work, breathtaking.
